After Miss Agravat launched our art competition celebrating Black History Month and encouraging our students to discover more about significant black figures in history, we received so many fantastic and creative entries!

With thorough judging having taken place, we can now reveal the winners of this competition…

In 3rd Place:

Sachin de Silva (yr 7) with his Daley Thompson poster,
Jack Casey (yr 9) with his Ulric cross design…

and Rose DeLeon (yr 11) with her research on Mary Seacole…

2nd Places goes to:

Sofia Saif (yr 10) with her poster of Diane Abbott
Kateryna Bondaruk (year 10) with her work on Jane Bolin

And finally, our 1st Place winning entries:

Danial Nazbekov (year 9) with his 3 posters of Nelson Mandela, Serena Williams and Mohammad Ali!

Congratulations to our winners, and well done to all those who submitted their creative and thoughtful entries!