Since the start of the spring term, our four KPS Houses- Effra, Fleet, Tyburn and Walbrook- have been competing in a series of form time and co-curricular challenges!

So far we have crowned the winners of this term’s Photography, ‘Name That Tune’ and ‘Guess Who’ competitions, and next week will be able to reveal our champions of the KPS MasterChef and Virtual Talent Show games.

Spring Term Photography Challenge

Students were challenged to submit photos which represented their house colours, and had to include the following…

  • At least two different elements in their photo
  • An imaginative and innovative entry
  • A title and a short description (a couple of sentences) to accompany their masterpiece.

Effra had wonderful submissions from Jonathan, Sebastian and Willo, with Willo’s photo being chosen by the House Captain to represent Effra…

                                                                         “Morning sun” by Willo Deakin-Stephenson

“The House colour I’m representing is Effra which is yellow. I used the sunlight which is naturally yellow and my dog who is an apricot color to give a natural glow to the picture. I chose sunlight because when it transfers through my window, it becomes a dark yellow on the stairs, so I got my dog thinking his coloring would look good in a picture.”

Fleet’s creative submissions came from Sofia, Lola and Kitty. Fleet’s Captain chose Kitty;’ photograph to represent their House…

Tyburn selected Anais’ colourful entry to represent their house…

Walbrook chose Kateryna’s bright photos to represent them in this challenge…

All the photos submitted successfully captured different representations of their House’s colours.

After a difficult decision and with much deliberation, the points were awarded thus…

1st Place – Fleet -(20 House Points)

2nd Place – Effra – (15 House Points)

3rd Place – Tyburn – (10 House Points)

4th Place – Walbrook – (5 House Points)

All participants received 2 House points for their entries

Name That Tune

With multiple close entries and tight scores in this challenge, the House points now stand as follows….

1st Place – Fleet -256 points (20 House Points)

2nd Place – Walbrook – 197 points (15 House Points)

3rd Place – Effra – 182 points (10 House Points)

4th Place – Tyburn – 157 points (5 House Points)

Congratulations Fleet!

Guess Who

Students were put to the test during their form times, as they were asked a series of tricky questions about their teachers! After learning some surprising facts, the winners of this competition were…


1st Place – Fleet -105 points (20 House Points)

2nd Place – Effra/Walbrook – 79 points (15 House Points)

3rd Place – Tyburn – 69 points (10 House Points)

It seems as if Fleet are showing off their competitive streak, but there are still plenty of points to play for over the next few weeks of term…