The Junior Spitfires unveiled their shirt designs for this coming ice hockey season at a special launch, which was held at the club’s title sponsors Kensington Park School on Saturday 29 September.

Shortly after their morning training session, held around the corner at Queens Skate indoor rink, over 50 people gathered at Kensington Park School for the sponsorship presentation.  Headmaster, Mr Paul Vanni, gave a warm welcome to the group, introducing the school which is now settling into its fourth week of term.

Richard Jaine, Managing Director, spoke next about the important role a school can play in supporting talented pupils who spend a significant amount of time developing their competitive hockey career.  The group then heard from Director of the Spitfires, Scott Maguire, who gave a motivational speech about dedication and commitment as a function of academic and career success.

The jerseys were presented to each junior player with applause from mums, dads and hockey coaches in the audience.

The new link-up between the local junior ice hockey team and Kensington Park School is set to benefit both parties.  Mr Vanni said “we are delighted to be in partnership with the Junior Spitfires.  We look forward to forging strong links with all involved and can see so many mutually beneficial opportunities for merging the very best in sporting talent and education.”

KPS attracts the sporting and artistic elite through partnership programmes with nationally recognised providers of equestrian, fencing, tennis, performing arts and music.  Ice hockey is just one of the many partnerships celebrated by the school, and the sponsorship event was a fitting tribute to kick-start what promises to be an exciting season ahead for the Spitfires.