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The last few weeks have been busy for our three ice hockey players, Tyler De La Bertouche Martinsson, Dylan Holicka and Andy Heath.
All three boys attended the second round of England trials in Sheffield on Friday 1st November, and are currently waiting to hear as to whether or not they have been selected to go through to the next round. We wish the boys the best of luck in this selection process, and congratulate them on their success so far. On Saturday 2nd November, Andy also travelled to Peterborough for an U15 league match, which Streatham won 5-2. On Sunday 3rd November, all three boys played again in the ball hockey Tier 2 Nationals Qualifier back in Sheffield, where they played six matches against various adult teams. Dylan captained the team, and scored the most goals of any player on the team that day.
Congratulations go to all three boys for such a successful start!