Throughout this term, we are running Continuing Professional Development (CPD) sessions for staff and parents to demonstrate our commitment to high standards of teaching within our school and better enfranchise our parents in the learning process of their children.

Last week, Ms. Agravat hosted a training session on how to assign purposeful homework, led by educational research and student/staff feedback. During this session, parents and staff were reminded of the homework aims set out by KPS, as well as the suggested maximum time each year group should be devoting to it.

These sessions also cover social events like Art Class and Book Club, offering a perfect opportunity to bring our KPS community closer together. We encourage parents to join us for the remaining sessions below. To top it off, each session is catered with cheese and wine!

30th November 2022 – Art Class, Lower School Campus, 4:30 – 5:30PM
7th December 2022 – Book Club, Lower School Campus, 4:30 – 5:30PM