This week, a range of cultural and historical activities were put on across the two school sites to highlight and celebrate Black History Month.

On Monday, students enjoyed listening to an eclectic range of Black artists during their break and lunchtime. Some highlights included Beyoncé and Duke Ellington, and a session on the Academy Award-winning music of Isaac Hayes and its impact on popular music throughout the decades.

Later in the week, students examined the hidden history behind the Marvel Studios blockbuster, Black Panther, discovering more about the African oral histories surrounding the Igbo Landing and how it influenced the making of the film. An after school screening of Channel 4’s Britain’s Secret War Babies was also held, where students learned about the impact American GIs had on Britain during WWII, resulting in a generation of children with Black heritage and a desire to learn more about their roots.

Ms Agravat concluded the week’s events at Lower School with a creative session, designing a Black History quilt which will be pride of place in F2.

Over at our Sixth Form, our Drama students looked at some scenes from Roy Williams’ 2002 play, Sing Yer Heart Out For The Lads, exploring its diverse cast of characters, and the subject of racism in football, both in the early 2000s and today.

We are very proud of our students for taking such a proactive role in expanding their knowledge and understanding of Black History.