Kensington Park School is looking for well-rounded individuals who show genuine intellectual curiosity and have interests that go beyond the academic curriculum.

Year 7 (11+) is a two-form entry, with around 24 students joining the Senior School in Year 7 each academic year. A further 24 spaces are available in Year 9 (13+), which is a four-form entry. For those joining the school at 13+, boarding is available in our centrally-located Boarding House.

The main points of entry are in Year 7 (11+) and Year 9 (13+), however, the school may have occasional spaces in other year groups. The student’s point of entry should be specified on the application form.

Registration for 11+ and 13+ entry in September 2025 is now open.

Key Dates for 11+ and 13+ Entry in September 2025

Closing date for registrations

Assessment Day

Offer date

Deadline to accept

1. Book a Visit

We encourage all prospective students and their families to visit Kensington Park School prior to registering for our assessments. For 11+ entry, we recommend visiting when your child is in Year 5, or in the Autumn Term of Year 6. For 13+ entry, we recommend visiting when your child is in Year 7, or in the Autumn Term of Year 8. We run Open Days during the Autumn and Spring Terms, and also welcome individual visits by appointment.

Book a visit

2. Registration

To register your child for 11+ or 13+ entry in September 2025, we require the following documents to be returned electronically to our Admissions Team at by the above-mentioned deadline:

  • Completed Registration Form
  • Scanned copy of applicant’s passport
  • Latest school report
  • Educational Psychologist report and/or details of any medical condition, including access arrangements for examinations (if applicable)

A non-refundable registration fee of £250 is also payable, and we will request a reference from the student’s current school at this stage.

3. Assessment and Interview

Our entrance assessments, which are based on the national curriculum, are written in-house by our academic team, and are designed to identify potential. No specific preparation is required for our assessments, which allows candidates to start on an equal footing with equal opportunities to display their academic aptitude.

Pupils applying for 11+ and 13+ entry will sit assessments in English, Mathematics, and Non-Verbal Reasoning. In addition, all applicants will have an interview with the Head or Head of Senior School. During their interview, applicants will be asked about their academic and co-curricular interests and pursuits, but will also have an opportunity to ask any questions they may have about the school.

International applicants follow the same admissions procedure and sit the same assessments as UK students, however, for those applying from overseas who are unable to travel to KPS, we can arrange for our assessments and interview to take place remotely, either at the applicant’s current school or at a British Council office. Please visit our International Applications page for further information.

International Applications

4. Offer and Acceptance 

In making an offer to join Kensington Park School, we take into account a student’s performance at interview and in our entrance assessments, their school reports, and reference from their previous school. Offers will be communicated by the end of the Autumn Term. The deadline for acceptance of offers for entry in September 2024 is Monday 3rd March 2025.

On acceptance of a child’s place, an acceptance deposit is payable.