On Friday 26 June we celebrated the end of our summer term and another brilliant year at KPS, as well as announcing the winners of our Virtual Sports Day and the overall 2019 – 2020 House Points competition winners. During the end of year celebration we received a special broadcast message from our new School Captain and Deputy, as well as being treated by Adela to a rendition of Ludovico Einaudi’s piano music- live from Prague!

The assembly reflected on another fantastic year, and celebrated the achievements of all. We also said goodbye to staff leaving us this term and looked ahead to the autumn term.

Without further ado, we can reveal that the House with the most points after the Sports Day were…

Fleet House with 539 points!

Following Fleet was Tyburn House with 440 points, Walbrook House with 435 and Effra House with 335.

A huge well done to all our students and staff, and congratulations to Fleet!

That leads us on to announce that the winners of our 2019 – 2020 House Points competition are…

Walbrook with 1207 points!

Tyburn House came second with 1202 points- a small yet hugely important 5 points gap, with Fleet House gathering 948 points and Effra House with 794 points.

It is a testament to the character of all our students that they have continued to work so hard, with positivity and tenacity throughout this challenging year, never letting their adapted learning environments affect their commitment to KPS and their studies.

The students have been supported academically and pastorally through this historic year by their teachers, tutors and every staff member at Kensington Park School, without whom the school could not celebrate these successes.

Student sports commendations went to…









Our School Captain and Deputy for 2020 – 2021 are Hannah and Mariam, who shared a message of good cheer to our KPS community and outlined some of their plans to continue developing our student experience.

We said goodbye to the following staff members and shared messages from their fellow teachers and colleagues who wished them well and thanked them for their dedication to our school…

Dr Phillip Aherne

Mr David Birch

Dr Zacharoula Christopoulou

Mr Jack McMinn

Mr Paul Motion

Miss Antonia Street

Mr Jonathan Wong

Ms Nicole Yao

As always we wish our students, families, staff and KPS community a restful and refreshing summer: we’re already looking forward to welcoming everyone back in the autumn term!