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It’s Fitness Friday and today we are launching our KPS 28 Day Sport and Wellbeing Challenge!
At Kensington Park School, staff and students are encouraged to understand the far-reaching, positive impact that sport and physical activity can have both on our mental health and on our ability to stay focused and engaged during lessons.
As we enter the Spring Term and a second period of online teaching and learning, there is an even greater need for students to ensure that they are keeping active and spending time away from their screens outside of lessons.
To kick-start the term, our Sports Department has put together a fantastic set of challenges for our students to take part in. Family members are encouraged to join in too – exercising with others is not only more fun, but can actually improve your results and motivation!
The Challenge will run from Friday 15th January – Friday 12th February.
There are three different challenge schedules for students to choose from depending on their year group, but don’t let that stop you from pushing yourself further!
Awards for the most challenges completed will be given out after half term.
Stay tuned on our Instagram and Twitter to find out our winners!