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This Thursday, KPS will be going off timetable for Life Day 2021- the theme of this day will focus on Global Citizenship & Education, with the day split into four themed sections.
Our students will be working in teams within their year groups as well as individuals to complete a variety of tasks under these four themes…
The History of Education
Our Right to Education
Access to Education and
How would you change education?
Throughout the day, students will be stretched and challenged with tasks that include critical thinking, debate preparation and presentation, analysis of data and case studies through history and across the globe, as well as collaborative skills with fellow students.
At Kensington Park School, the passion and experience of our teachers allows students to learn in creative, unique and engaging ways- Life Day 2021 is one of many examples of how we enable this modern approach to learning and education.
Follow us on Twitter & Instagram as well as visiting our blog to see photos and projects from this fantastic and innovative day!